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Devoth's percentage calculator

Percentage of a number:


Used for determining part of a number, e.g.: This year we've sold 4000 units, 40% of that was sold by John ­— 1600 units!

Add percentage to a number:


Commonly used when talking about an *increase* in some number, e.g.: Last year we've sold 1000 units, this year we had a 40% increase in sales, resulting in 1400 units sold!

Subtract percentage from a number:


Commonly used when talking about a *decrease* in some number (often used for describing discounts), e.g.: Last year we've sold 4000 units, this year we had a 20% decrease in sales, resulting in only 3200 units sold!

What‘s new?

ver. 1.0.1 2020/03/16
Basic mobile styles
ver. 1.0.0 2020/01/02
Initial release
Made with in Lublin, Poland. Follow me on Twitter here: @Devoth